Metal roofs provide a wide range of benefits to the homeowner, including curb appeal, durability, and energy efficiency.


Copper is a premium material that has been used on roofs and architectural features for centuries. In recent years, copper roofs have grown in popularity as a permanent roofing solution that increases the visual appeal and real estate value of homes and buildings. As copper ages and is subject to the elements, it continually takes on new shades of color that enhance the look of a house for many decades to come. The initial color of copper is a distinct bright orange-brown, and over the years it progresses through numerous hues of brown and gray, eventually developing a striking blue-green or blue-grey patina.

A properly installed copper roof is permanent. Many medieval buildings and churches were roofed in copper and some are still intact today. Copper does not rust or corrode, nor does it need to be coated and finished, which means it will never require re-painting or re-finishing.


Zinc is another popular option for an attractive metal roof or architectural feature. Zinc is corrosion resistant and requires little maintenance. Architects like it because it is malleable and can be formed to interesting shapes and curves while retaining durability.

CDN Copper and Sheet Metal Roofing, Inc. – Raleigh, North Carolina